Quiz 6-2B Solving Radical Equations

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit 46 Minutes


You will have 46 minutes to work this quiz and finish.  If you have not finished in the time allotted it will automatically submit, and you will get whatever grade you get.  I will not reopen the quiz for you.  Make sure that if you open the quiz, you can take it in its entirety because again, I will not reopen for you to take it again.

If the answer is no solution, either type out no solution or type ns and if there is more than one answer type in the numbers separated by a comma.  It does not matter what order you put the numbers in.  Also, do not put x= in your answer, just type in the number that is the answer only.  If you do not follow directions and get it wrong, it will not be corrected.




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