Course Syllabus

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Mrs. Aris’s U.S. History Class

Red Oak High School



Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to a new school year! My name is Mrs. Aris and I will be your student’s U.S. History teacher this school year. This year is an important one for Social Studies as students will take the U.S. History EOC Test in May. I look forward to spending time and getting to know your student over the coming school year.



This course we will cover the history of the United States from reconstruction to the present with emphasis on domestic and foreign affairs, industrialization, westward movement, social and cultural development, and recognizing democratic principles and beliefs while exploring the role of the United States in World War I, World War II, and Vietnam.


  1. Do not do anything that prevents yourself/others from learning or me from teaching
    1. Ex: blurting out answers without raising hand, causing disruptions, talking while instruction is taking place, playing on electronic devices, etc.
  2. Respect yourself, the teacher, your classmates, and the school.
  3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. ROHS and ROISD policies regarding masks, dress code, tardies, etc. will be followed.



Grades in this class are divided as such-

  • Major Grades (Tests, Projects, Papers): 50%
  • Assignments (In-class activities, participation activities, homework, quizzes): 50%
  • Please give me grace when it comes to turnaround time – the CDC recommends 24 hours before I even touch your handed in papers, so there will not be overnight grading!





If an assignment is not turned in by the assigned due date, it will be put in the gradebook as a 0. Each day the assignment is late, 10 points will be taken off the final grade of the assignment. After the second day the assignment is late, I will schedule a time the next day for the student to come up make it up, with the third day’s penalty. If it is not submitted after the third day, the assignment will receive a 0.

Students who are doing in-person school will be expected to arrive to class on time and remain in the classroom for the entire period unless they are called for by the office or there is an emergency. You may only go to the nurse with a pass unless it is an emergency. ROHS is trying to protect everyone’s health and safety by limiting movement in the halls and crowding in bathrooms.



Make-up work will need to be obtained the day that the student returns to school. I will not remind the student to pick up missed work; it will be the student’s responsibility to do so. If a student is absent the day of a test, they will schedule a time before or after school to take the test. A student that will be missing class due to an extracurricular activity will need to get anticipated missed work beforehand. Work will also be available on the Canvas modules.

Test re-takes will be available to all students who make below 70 on any test. They will need to be scheduled for before or after school with Mrs. Aris within 5 days of receiving the grade. If a student misses their schedule re-test time, it will be marked late and deducted 25 points for 1 day, 50 points for 2 days, and will receive a 0 after 3 days.



Students should sign up for Remind texts, I will periodically send out reminders about due dates, upcoming tests, and other relevant information about class.

  • Students – Text “@ArisUSH” to 81010


NEEDED SUPPLIES (remember that supplies may not be shared – bring your own!)


  • 1 pocket folder with brads
  • 1 150 page spiral notebook
  • Notebook paper
  • Map Pencils (I will let you know what days to bring these)
  • Pen/Pencils
  • 1 box facial tissues (I will “quarantine” these before making them available.)




Extra credit on daily assignments and tests will be given at the discretion of Mrs. Aris.




Students who have chosen to attend school in-person are expected to bring their devices (laptop, Chromebook, etc.) every day to class. We will be using these basically every day during class.

Students should not be using their phones for personal use during instruction and should not have headphones/air pods/earbuds during instruction.



Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty may receive a zero on the assignment or test in question without the ability to make up the grade. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, unapproved use of technology including cell phones, plagiarism and unauthorized communication between students during tests.


Respect yourself and your work by not cheating or plagiarizing.*


*Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting someone else’s ideas as your own. Copying ideas or text in any language from classmates, the internet, books, or published content will not be tolerated.


** Please note that if a student is caught sharing answers or giving a complete, graded, or returned assignment to another to be copied, or using any other method to cheat, all students involved could automatically receive a ZERO grade and further disciplinary measures may be taken.





Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

7:50AM – 8:15AM

Afternoon tutorials are available by appointment ONLY



Tuesday & Thursday


4:15PM –4:45: PM





Students will be expected and required to wear a mask/face covering at all times while at school. This includes in the hallways/common areas and in the classroom as well. Students should practice social distancing while in the hallways and common areas at all times. I know nobody wants to wear a mask all day, but it is required for all students to wear a mask at all times during class and while in the halls. We will be following ROISD and ROHS policies, and for now face coverings are part of dress code. I will do my best to protect your student, and ask for the same in return.






Students are expected to either log on to one of the live Zoom sessions, complete the daily activity/assignment, or log onto the U.S. History class Canvas page every day in order to be counted present for attendance. On Zoom, please comment on the chat; in Canvas, answer the discussion board question to help confirm attendance.  Do not just log in/log out. (If you are a Face-to-Face student, you must actually BE present in class in order to be marked present.)

My suggestion is that students follow their schedule. For example, if your student has U.S. History 2nd  period, I would have them join the live Zoom session during 2nd  period in order to be counted present for that school day.



I will provide a link via email and on Canvas that will remain the same throughout the entire school year. Students who want to join the live Zoom meetings during a class period, will need to be on time. Students will join a waiting room until I let them in at the beginning of the class period, and I will not let in any students after the class period has begun. If your student misses the cutoff time for joining a specific class period, don’t worry. They can join for any of my US History class periods (2, 4, 5, 8), they will just need to join before the class period starts.

During the Zoom meeting, students are required to mute their audio and turn off their video. The only time students should show their video/unmute their audio is if they have a question. Even then, students should type in any questions they have into the chat. I will try to get to it during that meeting; if not I will answer the questions in an email.




Students should complete the daily assignments on time. These assignments are also one of the ways we will confirm attendance.



Please understand that this is a work in progress, and will probably change as we progress throughout the school year.

The name of each module will be the name of the unit we are currently on (Gilded Age, Progressive Era, etc.). Each module will be broken down into different weeks (Week 1, Week 2, etc.).

Students will be required to go in order of listed things to do. They will not be able to progress in the module until they have looked at/completed everything before it.


This is still a work in progress. Students will be taking tests online, either through Canvas or on Eduphoria.



If the student is having any problems, tech issues, etc., and needs to get in contact with me students can send a message on Remind, on Canvas, or can email me at I will try to respond quickly, but may not be able to after school hours. If there is a question after school hours, e-mail the best way to get hold of me. Please remember that I will have spent a full day at school and do have a family at home, so it may be the next day before I am able to respond.





Mrs. Aris reserves the right to change the syllabus at any time. If any changes are made, the student and parent will be notified as soon as possible.


















Attendance and Expectations

Student Expectations for Virtual Learning

Please review the Student Expectations For Virtual learning and email Amy Aris at with any questions.

Student Expectations for Virtual Learning

Red Oak ISD virtual learning schedule is structured to give students the ability to manage their time wisely and to complete classwork in a timely fashion.  We understand the challenges of virtual learning and want to support our students in creating a manageable, organized framework for themselves. 

Student work will be completed asynchronously.  That means students will be working at their own pace according to deadlines set by teachers.  In our Virtual Learning Environment, we all need to reconsider terms like “classwork” and “homework;” it’s a little more helpful to think of it as just “work” or “assignments” that students will complete as instructed.

We will use Canvas for instruction, assignment of work daily, and use video conferencing through Zoom. A live zoom lesson will take place daily at the beginning of the US History period of your student’s schedule.  We highly encourage students to attend the live zoom lessons but do understand that other home responsibilities (e.g., taking care of younger siblings) might make that difficult.  If a student is unable to attend a live zoom lesson, he is responsible to reach out to the teacher to connect through a zoom tutoring session if needed.  I will also be recording a zoom lesson daily to view as needed.


Regular Bell Schedule

Tutorials: 7:50 - 8:15

AP US History Period 1: 8:20 - 9:12

US History Period 2: 9:18 - 10:05

Conference Period 3: 10:11 - 11:03 (Morning Announcements)

US History Period 4: 11:09 - 11:56

US History Period 5: 12:02 - 1:26

                                       B Lunch 12:26 - 12:56 

 PLC Period 6: 1:32 – 2:19

AP US History Period 7: 2:25 - 3:12

US History/US History V Period 8: 3:18 – 4:05

(Wednesdays will have a slightly different bell schedule due to Talon Time)

*Note that students are encouraged to log on to Canvas and check email during the above timetable to complete assignments as they would throughout a regular school day.  All work for a given day will be should be completed by 11:59 PM daily.. Any phone calls or video conferences with teachers or counselors will be based around the above schedule.


Please adhere to the following expectations during our virtual learning period.


  • Communication is key to our success in virtual learning.  If there is an issue, please let us know.
  • Please check emails often! Remember, any teachers who would like to hold a video session will be sending the invitation through email. It is imperative that students are checking emails every day, preferably multiple times. I will use the same link for Zoom, so you can log in to the same link every day.
  • Students must be appropriately and fully dressed when participating in asynchronous learning session (Zoom meeting). Students should be in a common area of the home during any asynchronous learning session, NEVER in a bedroom, bathroom or other private home space.
  • If you are struggling with an assignment or fall behind in a class, please communicate directly with your teacher ASAP.
  • Daily assignments should be submitted no later than 11:59 pm. If a teacher is extending work beyond the current day, s/he will specify when the work should be submitted.
    • Example: If a student logs onto Canvas at 9 AM on Monday, and sees work with a Monday deadline, that work is due at 11:59 PM on Monday evening.
  • Academic integrity is expected! There are many temptations when students work online, but we expect our students to do their own work and to reach out for support if they are having difficulty. 
  • We will use Zoom and Canvas to determine attendance for asynchronous and virtual learners. Please make sure you contribute to the class chat in Zoom or the discussion board on Canvas EVERY DAY – I will use these to help verify attendance. Please don’t just log in/log off and expect to be counted present.





Virtual Instruction Attendance


Course Summary:

Date Details Due